Cooperation with Companies and Industry Professionals

From idea to the ready-made course with the Center for Advanced Training

Proposal in order to arrange your course

Receipt of a proposal from an employee of the KFU or an organization, a scientific institute, a developer of advanced technologies, an educational institution, an individual.

Feasibility assessment

Feasibility assessment of creating a course by specialists of the center and partner organizations.

Application is accepted if the decision is positive.

Preparation of the course

Appointment of the curator

Our Center assigns a curator to interact with the course creator.

Creation of a course syllabus

Determination of the course duration
(no more than 8 academic hours per day)

Distribution of the number of lectures and practical classes.

Designation of target audience.

Drawing up a list of companies, structural units, as well as positions of specialists
potentially interested in the training course.

Identifying the Required Resources

  • Number of invited lecturers
  • Number of invited KFU lecturers
  • Required laboratories
  • Required internships

Identifying the conditions for interaction

  • Interest of the course initiator
  • Cost of inviting lecturers
  • The cost of an academic hour
  • Tentative dates

Running the course


    Training Areas


    From core analysis to reserves estimation


    Technologies for performing geodetic surveys and data processing


    From well logging to seismic interpretation

    Development of oil and gas fields

    Modern approaches to exploration and development of oil and gas fields


    Drilling and geosteering technologies


    Metrological support of measurements


    From the basics to modeling and practical training on specialized software


    Modern technologies for creating geological, hydrodynamic, geomechanical and basin models

    and others...

    Advanced language courses for professional communication

    Economic and financial education tailored to specific requirements of the oil and gas sector

    Solving administrative and legal challenges in the oil and gas sector

    We integrate everybody’s possibilities for the success of everyone !

    Dozens of partners and thousands of successful customers from all over the world.

    Our Partners

    Brand courses from technology manufacturers in partnership with the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing